
Cosplay, Yay or Nay?

Alright, Cosplay is basically one of the outer limits of geekyness right? Its one of those things whom many of us with a geeky heart look at, talk about and admire -but we never dare to do it ourselves unless we can joke about it, somehow. I've flirted with the idea, but I gotta admit Im too much of a whuss unless invited to a party where it is mandatory. (please someone, make a cosplay-birthdayparty and force me to come.)

But if you got the opportunity to wear this, would you manage to say no?

I know I wouldn't! I think I fell in love.

The cosplayer pictured is swedish Jenni Källberg, or "The Worlds Greatest Metroid Cosplayer". I got the link from a friend of mine, Zhiva, who's such a die-hard he's got Samus tattooed on his leg. I can just imagine his face full of glee when he saw this article the first time. It makes me happy!

Read more at Kotaku, or go straight to the source at pixelninja, Jenni's own site featuring more cosplay-photos including Metal Gear Solid, Zelda, Ghost in the Shell, Battle Royale, and even Princess Peach plus many more things wonderful! Love!



I've been meaning to start blogging again, just like I've been meaning to start twittering again. Since last year, a lot have happened in my life. I've moved to Gothenburg permanently, for one thing. I got a job here as a Community Manager for Planet Calypso, so that's been eating up a lot of my willpower for social medias. I run the forum PlanetCalypsoForum.com... But yes, enough about work. While this blog used to be a lot about Entropia (as well as my other games) Im going to try keep work off it, and attempt to keep this blog more personally me.

So what have I been up to lately other then work?

Good question.

On the game front its pretty easy. I've been playing Fallout: New Vegas, Civilization 5, I just finished Portal (because I'm honestly ages behind everyone else it seems), I played Dead Rising 2 recently.. And a whole lot of HoMM5. That's what I've played recently.. Since last, that's a whole other story. Not going to go into that, it'll certainly ruin my fingers.