
Getting closer...

Things are really closing in now. The big move is just hours away. Okay it might still be a couple of days, but its less then three digits in hours, so lets just call it a "few".  
At least Ill call it a few, like the brat I am who've always been used to having alot more of everything. Okay Im not really serious. I just make lame jokes when Im nervous. Hehehaho... 

Either way. Kitchen's done, livingroom is pretty much clear and my little sister managed to get herself infected with the kissing disease. Which really is a horrible sight, and I hate to leave her right now. She's in quite bad shape, but she'll pull through. 

Tomorrow (or later today, after sleep) Ill have to clean this place up and start packing down everything in suitcases and so on. Im not going to take my computer with me (just my screen) since its outdated anyway. Ill just terrorize Stoik to build me a new one. I can't wait for long nights of gaming on a fresh comp that doesnt growl at me when I open Opera. Im gonna start off the new era with the new Monkey Island games. 

Oh and I also learned about the game called Borderlands today. Seriously, the look of that made me wet myself. Its like if Battlefield Heroes made sweet lovin' to Fallout 3 and they had Quadruples playing Co-op together. Or something! 

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yes I think it looks very intressting and will sure try it when its out.