
Once upon a time

I was really adoreable...!!
My dad scanned in this photo of me. I look like a little princess, aww.


I was bored, so artpad entertained me!
Best viewed in fast.


nom nom nom..


This one's with mouse only:


Battle Royale Lore

Event organizer Cat have finally finished the Battle Royale novella! It was well worth the wait. 


The event took place in Entropia's Zychion Citadel a while back, and I won the whole thing. 

Its a damn well written piece of work, which I think described it pretty well with some artistic freedoms. Reading it, it is as if all the emotions we actually went through was amplified in such a way it would have been if it was for real.

Battle Royale suprised me a little with how different the psychology of the players were. I think the novella highlights that in a fantastic manner.

Great work, Cat! 


RX-BOB forever!

Me and Da went back to our roots and did like we used to do before, create (and defend) art in pvp areas ;P

This time we were waiting for the RX-Bots (hostile players played by the devs of Entropia, whom you will get an award for killing.) to show up in PvP1.

Marvel at the fantastic RX-BOB!! Made from Mindessence, Explosive projectiles and some medium ammocells. 

Here he is holding me and Da, like the big huggable loveable robot he is:

I also got myself a RX-Bot kill, namely number 471. The reward was a full tt reworked infiltrator harness (F,L) which I am very happy with!


Beta News!

Mortal Online will start giving out invites for their first closed beta phase soon. I hope!

Yesterday brought a newsletter with many interesting elements. Find it HERE and download the powerpoint presentation!

My favorite elements: 
* Blood Mix
* Hit Boxes
* Crafting System
* "Bosses" having a impact on the world. 

I would love to defend a "Half-god", create lore and and religion around it, battle other races by taking on their beliefs and gods.

There were some new races introduced aswell. And since there will be a bloodmix system, I think Ill go with a Sarducaan mother and Kallard daddy.