Got my shipment from EntropiaOutfitters today. 2 x Champions League player decks and complimentary SFE/Entropia-Stubbyholder and a pen, hehe.

How can I not win in poker now, with a card like that?Oh and I think everyone should get their deck now!
How can I not win in poker now, with a card like that?Oh and I think everyone should get their deck now!
Had my First Royal Straigh Flush today!
T to A, all in spades. Was sitting on QT when K & J showed themself on flop. I was thinking "no way am I getting this..."...And then on the Turn... Ace of Spades. Im so incredably happy Im playing online or everyone would have guessed what I was sitting on concidering how much I was shaking.
Nobody called me anyway though, but still bumped me up on the list a little.
Was at pokerstars, in a Sunday Two Hundred Grand Satellite, 126 registered.
Top 22 players get a free entry to Sunday Two Hundred Grand.
I finished top 5 :)
Tried to screenie it but it seems it didnt take. Stupid *mumbles*
But anyway...
God that felt good!
At the Emergency:
Me: My tummy around the gallbladder area is reaaally hurting, I woke up from it this morning around 7 and it havent let go since, a constant pain. It was like that on thursday to friday aswell, and on saturday and sunday I havent felt it so bad but its still been painful at times. I took some of the strong painkillers I have, and I still feel it . Ive had gallbladder infection before, and when I had that it was like this a couple of days before I got 40-41 degrees celcius in fever and you guys mistakedly operated my appendix out even though I told you I had gallstones before and the pain was very similar. Im very worried, this pain have lasted 4 days now!
Doctor: Take these standard painkillers and call us tomorrow if the pain isnt gone.
*rolls eyes*
Repent, Sinner!
Fairy, Nurse and "Football"-player
And a prisoner too!
One drunk Superhero.
Diiirty David.
Jan Teigen and a priest.
What?? Totally Innocent. On parole to party!