Funny thing happened yesterday.
I was stressed out of my mind, and had lost internet connection to top it off. So I figured Id go down to the store to buy some candy to calm my nerves, and a magazine to read while waiting for the internet to get back up.
So I went straight to the science magazine isle, like I usually do. Now, behind it is the porn magazine isle. And the shelfs isnt tall, so I can look over them no problem.
So I went to pick up my science magazine, and there was two guys there about my age, looking at porn magazines.
One of them spots me, blushes and stutters to his friend
"Uuuuuuuhh, What'd you think he'd like??"
in a voice that pretty much gave away his embarrasment.
I can see from the corner of my eye that his friend also notices me, and he answers.
"Um, I dont know!? I never use this kind of things, I have no idea!!"
Was hard to keep myself from burst out laughing.
Of course they are never used to this kind of thing, but when the internet goes out, you have to get porn the hard way ;) So you are busted :P
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