The Unfortunate Looter
These days, as we dont have teaming re-introduced yet, Ive felt alot of unfortunate globals hit my avatar.
No, that does not mean I dont want globals. I need it to break even with the mobs Im hunting, no doubt. The thing is, there are few mob spawns that are extra interesting these days with the SGA going on, and thus I often find myself sharing huntingfields with friends and socmates, but unable to team with them.
Loot is, in lack of other words, a damn big mystery. There are always a dozen theories circulating the community; some good and some bad. But how about the theory that when your friend is on the same radar as you, and complains about loot, you global on the next mob you take down. Every time! It happened to me about 3 times yesterday and a few the day before that aswell.
Globals ususally makes me happy, and the first time it was sort of funny. But if I continure this then Im on the fastlane to really pissing my friends off (luckily Im dealing with some pretty patient people here). Im sure the entropians out there can relate to the loot blues, and how it affects you.
I love the scenery...
I have long eyes
Thats what I used to say when I was little. I tried to convince my mom I had "long eyes" and could see things happening far away. Such as "No, granny isnt tired, she's waiting for me! I can see it, because I have long eyes"
Well it seems in Entropia, my childhood dreams have come true!
If you see the full size of this screenie, you'll notice a little yellow light in the distance..Scoping in.... I saw it was the shopcontainer! If you look at the map, you can see how far away I was from the teleporter!
I have gained a new rank in far sight! whoo!
Some Pics of Skam VU 10
Counter Installed
Hey guys and gals and genetically frustrated people.
I decided to install an counter this morning just to see if there was any point in actually continuring this blog, and in just half a day its counted 68 unique hits.
Thanks for reading my blog! :)
I gotta admit Im a total noob on the blogging gadgets but even I managed to find a decent counter. Im using this one:
Win 7 problem
While Ive been one of the lucky ones that have suffered minimal damage due to the CE2 change in Entropia, Ive found my computer has other issues.
Since I got my new comp I decided to try out Win 7 on it, and its started doing something strange. When booting the computer the screen starts up as normal, until windows is finished loading and I can see my desktop, then it goes black and says "no signal detected!". After which I try rebooting the screen a good dozen times. Either that works or it doesnt and I have to reboot the comp (and pray meanwhile). If it does work, then I go in to Screen Resolution, and voila... there's another Generic PnP screen detected. Sometimes 2 extra screens detected, whereas one of them are in use.
Thing is, I dont have any other screens.
So I change the settings to only one screen being used and that fixes the problem until the next time I boot my comp.
What an annoying problem! Anyone have a fix?

And the pictures doesnt even justify it. Im very happy I bought a new computer for this. Its running smoothly on Very High settings. The textures, the movements, the shadows, the day/night cycles. Its even better then I anticipated. I love it.
Now just to wait for the rest of the 'game' to be implemented again and bugs to be fixed. But this is... breathtaking :)
Download at PlanetCalypso.com!
New Comp!
850W Corsair CMPSU-850TXEU
XFX MB-N780-ISH9 s775
Intel Core 2 Duo E8500 3.16GHz 1333MHz
Gigabyte GeForce GTX 275 896MB
8GB (4x2GB) DDR2 PC6400 Corsair XMS2
Cooler Master Centurion 5B Svart
Optiarc AD-7240S DVD±RW Svart SATA, OEM
Its at the post office now, gonna pick it up in a few hours time.
Entropia is currently down for CryEngine 2 update :)