Well Ive been taking some time off my spidercamping in Entropia since my RSI got really bad after a while. I knew it would happen as I pushed myself way too hard, hunting 10-12 hours a day nonstop. That just doesnt work with me.
I recieved a beta invite to Heroes of Newerth, which is pretty much DoTA in new gfx. Its alot easier on my fingers so Ive been spending some time there. Which have lead to a revelation:
....I really suck at RTS.
Maybe its all the things going on or maybe its because I just cant seem to see what is going on at the map when it happens. I get confused, like someone just put a stun spell on me irl.
"Øøøøh, now what. Oh Im dead"
I gotta say Im a whole lot better in Bleach Wars (W3) then DoTA but Ive not played much DoTA either so maybe it'll come with time. Right now I spend too much time figuring out items, spells and what combos work, and what to watch out for in the other chars. Anyway, I enjoy it, its still amusing.
For me that is. For the DoTA geeks that comes into the noob servers and scream at us who is still learning, it seems unamusing. But honestly, get a life -dont come to the noob servers if you cant handle people making mistakes. And get a haircut.
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