We make silly handgestures.
Skam Shoes is a fact.

Its my first time so of course they're not perfect. But I gotta say it was really fun to make!
The original shoes were some old white and red converse (hence the worn sole) that I personalized with acrylic paint.
First I made a base of white acrylic paint, and then I freehanded some silly stuff on it with a permanent marker:
Started filling in the blanks:
Until it was a finished product. I then started with the second shoe and did the same thing. Looking at these two together though made me think it might have been best if I had let it stay in white/blue and not paint it in black around like I did with the first one.
DYI Shoedesign
I got so inspired while searching the intarwebs for people's handicraft that I decided Id redesign some old shoes of mine.
I've just finished the prime (white) and will paint details on it later when its dried. Unless Im asleep. In which case Ill do it tomorrow.
This is a nice hobby! I had everything I needed for it. A pair of sneakers with outdated design, acrylic paint, brushes and way too much time on my hands.
This is my first time so we'll see how it works out!
Im gonna be reeeeally clean

Will I ever grow up?
I hope not. Oh, I wonder if leaving one of them cupcakes on the bathroom sink would end in Jerry burping bubbles for a week. It should be worth checking out.
These soaps are from DirtyAssSoaps. They carry alot of food-inspired soap products (milk and cookies, peanutbutter and jelly, oreos, pretzels, s'mores and mores! yummy!!) and also lego's, tetris and much much more.
Cuddle your Computer
At least with these fiesty throw-pillows from Throwboy you can snuggle without feeling too nerdy. I really love the RSS-feed pillow myself. Almost too bad that the apartment we're moving into is so beautifully decorated already -else Id probably go nuts with geeky itamz.
Thanks to my friend Zhiva for sending me this awesome link, and check out his new and improved blog while you're at it!
Gaming Soap!

Oh My Gawd this is a must-have for any selfrespecting gamers.
The NES controller is a soap bar, and the Mountain dew is actually shampoo!
There's lots of different types to choose between, from PS to Xbox, Nintendo -Old and new kinds. I love it. I gotta remember to order some when I get cash!
They also have tetris-soap! I love this shop!
Brilliant Quote
~ Terry Pratchett
Miss him!
Champions League Season 1 End!
Champions League is over for this season.
I ended 8th and Stoikow of course won the whole thing! ;)
Prize Ceremony is next Sunday!
Pay Up!
Dreams: Ice. Chapter Two
As he pulled himself out of the water, Johan immidieatly knew that it wasn’t right. When he first saw that the shaft lead him to above-waters, he was just happy to get away from the pressing feeling of being under that huge ice block. He had expected it to be water above this shaft aswell, like the one he came down from.
Johan looked around him. He was at a strange landscape, rocks and ice blended into something that seemed a scene from a movie. Stone, mould and sand made the ice grey at some places. It almost seemed polluted with exhaust.
The salt water from his auburn-colored hair dripped down in his eyes. He rubbed them, knowing it wouldn’t make the matter better. Swimmingfeet in hand, he walked to find the shore.
Dreams: Ice. Chapter One.
- I’m so glad we met again, he smiled.
Mark's eyes spoke for him, these weren’t just words for him, they were sincere. And right now, I wanted anything but sincere. I didn’t dare say I wasn’t going to stick around. I didn’t dare tell him that the future he talked about was not what I had in mind at all. Actually the thought wouldn’t even have crossed my mind as anything but absurd. I know I should have told him. I just didn’t know how.
The beard was starting to grow a little too long to call it handsomely. He looked rugged and weathered, like a lost puppy. Or maybe a bear, come to think of it. There was something wrong about him having this aura about him when he had this stature. I almost liked him more when he was just an asshole.
I put up and shut up. I let him believe. When he finally would get to know, I’d be a thousand miles away anyway.
There was another layer of ice under the ice itself. Johan thought this was strange, but he knew that in spite of his experience on top of the ice, and diving in arctic circles, didn’t make him an expert on the subject. He found a tunnel, much like a forty-five degree shaft down the ice, big enough for a man to swim through without problems. It looked like there were good possibilities of turning as well, so Johan decided to have a go. His oxygen tank still showed that he had a lot to go on.
The ice was thick! Like really thick. Johan’s mind raced, the navigation-systems on board didn’t show any icebergs in the area did they? Not under water either. This shouldn’t have been here. After several meters of swimming, he again hit clear waters under the ice. Yet, there was something very pressing about being here, under these solid meters of ice. Johan didn’t panic. He worked hard to stay cool. He’d just explore a little more, before going up.
There didn’t seem to be anything of interest down there, and Johan really started to feel the pressure. He spotted another shaft going upward in the ice, and swam for it.
I spent the night in bed, Mark by me. My pyjamas clinged to my body, it was way too hot to wear it, but I preferred it to be naked. He had a smile on his face while sleeping, constantly rolling his hand over me, drawing me closer in a grasp I could not stand. I was getting pissed off at having to pretend.
Why couldn’t he just read my signals. How did I end up here anyway? Nothing had happened. I didn’t want anything to happen, but it still had gone too far. He shouldn’t even have been a part of my life anymore. He was garbage, and while he was sincere right now, I knew that was a tide that kept coming and going. I climbed out of the bed and went for the kitchen. There was dirty dishes in the sink, and garbage needing to be taken out. In my own psychoanalyzing moment, I thought that perhaps I was here because I pitied him. He had nothing, and I was on my way to have everything. But alas its really more likely that I didn’t have such good intentions, but rather wanted him to remember how good I was, just to take it away again. Put a nail in his coffin.
It’s not like he didn’t deserve it.
Dreams: Ice -Prologue
The cold knocked out his breath for a second, in spite of the suit. He quickly regained control and started breathing again. He looked up through the hole, giving his thumbs-up to his landlubber mates. If they were concerned, they didn’t show it. This wasn’t anything new. Johan always wanted to be an explorer.
Dreams: Ice
I had a really weird dream.
I decided, since I have nothing better to do, that I might aswell just write it down and post it here. I will split it up in several pieces though.
You want thingamabobs? I got 20.

When I was little, there was definatly two favorites of mine: Aladdin and The Little Mermaid. My favorite disney-song was no doubt "Part of that world", sung by Ariel. It wasn't until now, when Ive grown up that I really see why I liked that song so much, why it spoke to me.
Okay, Im no big fan of psychoanalyzing -yet I found it interesting to see the paralleles from that song to my real life, both as a kid and as a teenager. I had whosits and whatsits galore as a kid, since my family owns a toystore. You know, toys are the statussymbol when you're a kid -and even if much of my toys were broken things that was returned to the shop -thats not something the people in my class cared much about when they came over to visit.
I seemed to have everything, at least through their eyes. But I always felt like something was missing. I just didnt know what.
Its funny to see it now, Ariel talking about her having everything, except feet. As most know; I have arthirtis and I spent a brief time in a wheelchair.
Hell, Jerry even looks a bit like Eric, the prince in The Little Mermaid. Imagine that. And I know its no secret that Im one of those people who get suckerpunched by love, and will go a great great length for it, just like a certain main character.
The irony of it all. I guess if you look for things like these, they will always become apperant.
Granted, I cant sing for shit.
I can smell pirates!
Dogs have been trained and used for their sense of smell for a long time already. We have drug-dogs, cadaver-dogs, search-dogs, and now also pirate-dogs!
The dog named "Paddy", given to the Malaysian authorities by the Motion Picture Association, sniffed himself to finding a storage containing no less then 35 000 piratecopied dvd's!
I wonder what piracy smells like?
Oh my, Sleezy Cyanide Plush!

(well not all, Im still waiting for a plushie molisk. Hint hint FPC?)
Ive been a fan of Cyanide & Happiness for quite a while, their comics is a part of my daily routine.
And suuuure... Im supposed to have grown away from plushies. But truth is no girl ever grow away from plushies, just as boys never grow away from cars or legos! Well, I havent outgrown legos either for that matter... or sticky goo.. Maybe I just haven't grown at all. But either way; who can resist this little sleezy thing, honestly? I love it!! I want one sooo bad.
Road Cones Protect my head!

With that name, this cannot be a serious game. Yea I thought so too.
I was dead wrong, pardon the pun. This adoreable game is a fantastic tower defense game, uber-cute awesomesauce! It has lots of nice minigames in addition to the original challenge. While its not a big release graphically, its certainly one of the games that'll just keep you smiling for hours. For a very low cost.
Basically the game revolves around you defending your house against zombieattacks by using plants with different abilities.
I first found out about the game when its teaser song was released, and it was just wicked. The game followed suit, its crazy in a good way!
Click here to see the song!
I know your type; Tall dark and dead... You want to bite all the petals off my head..
Steam allows you to download a demo for free, where you can play 1 hour. The price isnt much to whine about, so I suggest buying it! Trust me, it gets alot harder further into the game. If you like puzzles or towerdefense, this is worth checking out!
Like a friend of mine said "This game is so YOU!"
Kudos to PopCap, I love it!
Seems we found ourself an apartment yesterday! :)
Can't wait to move!
Here's a pic from the ad. I haven't seen it yet myself irl, but it looks very nice, and Jerry checked it out and concurred.
Now I just need all them papers to get sorted out. Why does the system have to be such a pain in the ass?