The Sexy and Naughty versions of the already alluring characters is rather... disappointing. Really don't know a better way then to put it like that.
But the worst is still the male char "Pimp Slayer" with the fabulous description "Show dem hoes who's boss as Pimp Slayer" Excuse my french but What the fuck!

Don't get me wrong, there's some pretty cool characters here too like the Adventurer -looking much like a Indiana Jones and the little Bombardier rolling around on a cannon, and while I haven't seen Helga Hammerstorm in action yet she's apparently the first female skinned Strength based hero, which is cool.
Apparently the Sexy, Naughty and Pimp was made as some "Flamboyant" pack together with new commentary-voices which is quite obviously supposed to be a well, a stereotypical flamboyant homosexual. (However I don't know how the gay gamer community feels about that so I'm not going to be offended for them just for the heck of it.)
Usually I can smile about jokes that's not meant for me, and even jokes made on my expense -but I don't find this amusing at all. It just feels wrong.
Another thing about the Item Mall skins, I like playing female chars because I relate to it more, however I really dislike having to pay extra to play the gender of choice when they have both genders ready made by the developers -such as the case of female Pyromancer, Glacius and Helga Hammerstorm.
There was another F2P FPS called Crossfire where they had item malls that I played a little a few years back, and their most expensive item was a female skin. For some reason that pissed me off enough to stop playing.
It just feels like they're forgetting they have (potential) female players at all.
On a completely unrelated note,
my body's a effin mess. My back, my ribs the whole s'bang is acting up and leaving me problems all over the place, such as having a hard time breathing and not sleeping well, as well as making senseless rambles while on painkillers on Twitter.
I'm pissy about the health debates going around in the RA-community which just keeps reminding me about these success-stories that makes it sound as if you're still in bad shape after suffering for a few years it means that you're just not trying hard enough. There was a pretty good blog post (in norwegian) from "Giktbloggen" on the subject.
To top it off a tooth filling's fallen out so going to have to fix that. Bah. Generally the last weeks have been pretty piss poor for me and its affecting my mood, so my apologies if I've been cranky towards anyone.