This means I might not update this blog as often anymore, but Ill try. Im sure someone will nag, you lot always do ;) I might also do some reviews and such - time will show. Stay tuned!
This means I might not update this blog as often anymore, but Ill try. Im sure someone will nag, you lot always do ;) I might also do some reviews and such - time will show. Stay tuned!
Oh October,
you are way too short.
And too close to November, that is close to December.
I fear I'm going to spend all my monies on games. Oh deary me. I guess my family and friends will get macaroni-art wrapped in toilet-paper for Christmas.
There's so much to do.
First of all, I've preordered Fallout 3 Game of The Year set, with all the add-ons. I've decided to play through it again now that I have a more proper PC. I hadn't played any of the add-ons anyway, so might as well just start all over again. Its so worth it. Due October 16th.
And Machinarium is also coming October 16th. It looks like a cute little platform, and certainly seem to suit the whole post-apocalyptic month theme I'm having. So that's down on my list.
And then I've preordered Borderlands as well. Now that's something Im really looking forward to. Due October 30th.
And then there's the deposits in Entropia...
And whatever else comes along. When was that Baldurs Gate sequel supposed to drop?
No seriously. I liberated Mars the other day by playing Red Faction: Guerilla. Its a fun game, Ill admit, but a bit repetitive. I gotta say its a blast to blow things up (fun pun, drumroll inserted.) even if destroying a whole EDF to itsy bitsy pieces means a bit of lag for my 8 gb ram/GTX 275 machine.
The missions were pretty much the same though. Save hostages, Raid EDF, Defend the bases, Transport vehicles (which I found out was a whole lot easier when taking "en spansk en", shortcuts.) and blow things up in creative ways. The only storyline was the main one, and I gotta say I missed having some personality in the rest of the missions, instead of being so generic.
When I finished the last mission I kind of hoped it would open up some fun and quirky missions, but no such luck. The only "personality" I really liked in RF:G was Jenkins. Cool dude.
Either way what I realized when I ended the game was that I really missed the humor and weirdness of Fallout 3. Missing another game when ending one, isn't really the ideal. But RF:G was worth the money, still.
Anyway, I think Ill play the F3 expansionpacks now, as I haven't done that yet.
Second Golden Age. The three words that is on every calypsian lips these days. Three words that have created a vortex of emotions, hope, agony, frustration, inspiration and so on.
Well into the SGA period we've experienced some very nice drops in the community. Improved FAP, improved 2870, Mod Merc, Suprmacy, Angel, Sentinel, a204 amp, DOA Foeripper and Loudmouth.. Items that for the last 4 years have been a faint dream for hunters, items that was soon established to have ceased to drop entirely. Until now, with modified stats and a SGA brand.
In spite of these amazing drops, people still get frustrated for not getting a piece of the cake. From what I can tell, a large portion of the community had a perception of SGA as if it would rain goodies on everyone. Personally, I never thought that was what it'd be about.
Its the possibility to loot, its the hope of looting, its the dream that seems a little more real. I know this sounds awfully cheesy but thats what it is to me.
Either way, you can hunt as normal, or you can chase the dream -none of these means you'll get a secured drop. I was around when the last MM was looted, and when DOA's and ML's still dropped. Back when you went hunting atrax because they looted ML or you went for Warrior for that missing angel harness from your set. That feeling have vanished completely since drops stopped, and people have instead been hunting mobs that is easy on the economy for them, with high MU drops of limited items, and that suits their armor and weapons.
Now people are ripped out of their old hunting routine to chase those dreams again. At expense of their eco, maybe - and that includes a bucket of frustration.
Well Ive been taking some time off my spidercamping in Entropia since my RSI got really bad after a while. I knew it would happen as I pushed myself way too hard, hunting 10-12 hours a day nonstop. That just doesnt work with me.
I recieved a beta invite to Heroes of Newerth, which is pretty much DoTA in new gfx. Its alot easier on my fingers so Ive been spending some time there. Which have lead to a revelation:
....I really suck at RTS.
Maybe its all the things going on or maybe its because I just cant seem to see what is going on at the map when it happens. I get confused, like someone just put a stun spell on me irl.
"Øøøøh, now what. Oh Im dead"
I gotta say Im a whole lot better in Bleach Wars (W3) then DoTA but Ive not played much DoTA either so maybe it'll come with time. Right now I spend too much time figuring out items, spells and what combos work, and what to watch out for in the other chars. Anyway, I enjoy it, its still amusing.
For me that is. For the DoTA geeks that comes into the noob servers and scream at us who is still learning, it seems unamusing. But honestly, get a life -dont come to the noob servers if you cant handle people making mistakes. And get a haircut.
I didnt even have time to hunt! Oof, theres that SGA item out the window.. ;)
Anyway, the pic is of the rabbid on the cake! Handmade, in Marcipan and liqorice!
Personally Im not against Disney -what can I say, I was born in the eighties, disney is woven into my childhood soul. And if you know much about me, you know Ill never grow up.
You'd also know Im a big fan of comics. Granted I havent been collecting in the last few years, but I I have a pretty extensive colelction of books, mostly DC and Vertigo but also some Marvel.
Personally I dont think that Marvel will suffer much from the change, at least I try to be optimistic. But one thing that struck me is that currently both Spideman, Hulk and Wolverine is located in the Universal Studios Island of Adventures, on the Marvel Super Hero Island. Universal and Disney is the two largest compeditors on Orlando soil, I assume, so will Disney muslce their way to remove the Superhero Island from Universal, and create their own?
In that case it'd be a damn shame. The hulk and the Spiderman ride are two of the best rides in the whole themepark, and in Orlando. I suppose they would have just changed name on it (and changed the 3D stuff on spiderman) and kept the ride, but still.
I first visited Island of Adventure in summer of 2000, and then again in March 2008. Next time, maybe it'll be in Disneyworld?
Scene from the Superhero Island:
The Hulk Ride:
These days, as we dont have teaming re-introduced yet, Ive felt alot of unfortunate globals hit my avatar.
No, that does not mean I dont want globals. I need it to break even with the mobs Im hunting, no doubt. The thing is, there are few mob spawns that are extra interesting these days with the SGA going on, and thus I often find myself sharing huntingfields with friends and socmates, but unable to team with them.
Loot is, in lack of other words, a damn big mystery. There are always a dozen theories circulating the community; some good and some bad. But how about the theory that when your friend is on the same radar as you, and complains about loot, you global on the next mob you take down. Every time! It happened to me about 3 times yesterday and a few the day before that aswell.
Globals ususally makes me happy, and the first time it was sort of funny. But if I continure this then Im on the fastlane to really pissing my friends off (luckily Im dealing with some pretty patient people here). Im sure the entropians out there can relate to the loot blues, and how it affects you.
Thats what I used to say when I was little. I tried to convince my mom I had "long eyes" and could see things happening far away. Such as "No, granny isnt tired, she's waiting for me! I can see it, because I have long eyes"
Well it seems in Entropia, my childhood dreams have come true!
If you see the full size of this screenie, you'll notice a little yellow light in the distance..Scoping in.... I saw it was the shopcontainer! If you look at the map, you can see how far away I was from the teleporter!
I have gained a new rank in far sight! whoo!
Hey guys and gals and genetically frustrated people.
I decided to install an counter this morning just to see if there was any point in actually continuring this blog, and in just half a day its counted 68 unique hits.
Thanks for reading my blog! :)
I gotta admit Im a total noob on the blogging gadgets but even I managed to find a decent counter. Im using this one:
While Ive been one of the lucky ones that have suffered minimal damage due to the CE2 change in Entropia, Ive found my computer has other issues.
Since I got my new comp I decided to try out Win 7 on it, and its started doing something strange. When booting the computer the screen starts up as normal, until windows is finished loading and I can see my desktop, then it goes black and says "no signal detected!". After which I try rebooting the screen a good dozen times. Either that works or it doesnt and I have to reboot the comp (and pray meanwhile). If it does work, then I go in to Screen Resolution, and voila... there's another Generic PnP screen detected. Sometimes 2 extra screens detected, whereas one of them are in use.
Thing is, I dont have any other screens.
So I change the settings to only one screen being used and that fixes the problem until the next time I boot my comp.
What an annoying problem! Anyone have a fix?
And the pictures doesnt even justify it. Im very happy I bought a new computer for this. Its running smoothly on Very High settings. The textures, the movements, the shadows, the day/night cycles. Its even better then I anticipated. I love it.
Now just to wait for the rest of the 'game' to be implemented again and bugs to be fixed. But this is... breathtaking :)
Download at PlanetCalypso.com!
Tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow,tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow, tomorrow,
Oh what will tomorrow bring!
Either way. Kitchen's done, livingroom is pretty much clear and my little sister managed to get herself infected with the kissing disease. Which really is a horrible sight, and I hate to leave her right now. She's in quite bad shape, but she'll pull through.
Tomorrow (or later today, after sleep) Ill have to clean this place up and start packing down everything in suitcases and so on. Im not going to take my computer with me (just my screen) since its outdated anyway. Ill just terrorize Stoik to build me a new one. I can't wait for long nights of gaming on a fresh comp that doesnt growl at me when I open Opera. Im gonna start off the new era with the new Monkey Island games.
Oh and I also learned about the game called Borderlands today. Seriously, the look of that made me wet myself. Its like if Battlefield Heroes made sweet lovin' to Fallout 3 and they had Quadruples playing Co-op together. Or something!
The Final this year will be on upcoming Saturday. It is USA vs Romania vs Sweden.
USA won the first WoF, Romania is the holder of the most-point ever in a round record, and Sweden have been in every final since the start of WOF, but have yet to get the title. Sweden also beat last years winner, England, in the semis. I hope they will bring the title home this year.
It will be a nervewrecking 4 hours of hunting frenzy on Club Neverdie.
I arrive to Sweden on Friday morning. Saturday night I hope we've won WoF and will have one hell of a party. Toes crossed. (I need the fingers for shootin')
Short for World of Firepower, WoF is the largest event in Entropia Universe, with several thousands players hunting for their countries fame and glory. Its a hunting competition, where you score points for hunting. Its teamwork, with one captain, one main team and support teams aswell.
Yea I know, I know. I haven't updated my blog. Im sorry! There really haven't been much to talk about lately. Ive been busy packing everything, and havent really played anything but solitare!
Right now I can't wait to move. The sun is prima in Sweden, and not so prima up here in the norwegian arctic. A couple of days ago it actually snowed. In July. No, Im not kidding -unfortunally Im very serious.
Since I visited Gothenburg last summer there really haven't been much sun touching my body, so I thought I'd have a go in the tanning studio just for 15 mins, to make my skin a little more used to the licking solar rays. However, I have the skin of a newborn baby, and it seems the sun hates newborn babies ... so today Im itching like mad, got some babyblisters and sunrash. Unfortunally Ill have to grill myself some more, else Ill be lobster-red after an hour in the sun when I get to Sweden.
Most of my things are packed up in cardboard boxes now. I just gotta sell the furniture off and then on Friday Im off to my (hopefully) final destination! Wish me luck!
Its my first time so of course they're not perfect. But I gotta say it was really fun to make!
The original shoes were some old white and red converse (hence the worn sole) that I personalized with acrylic paint.
First I made a base of white acrylic paint, and then I freehanded some silly stuff on it with a permanent marker:
Started filling in the blanks:
Until it was a finished product. I then started with the second shoe and did the same thing. Looking at these two together though made me think it might have been best if I had let it stay in white/blue and not paint it in black around like I did with the first one.
I got so inspired while searching the intarwebs for people's handicraft that I decided Id redesign some old shoes of mine.
I've just finished the prime (white) and will paint details on it later when its dried. Unless Im asleep. In which case Ill do it tomorrow.
This is a nice hobby! I had everything I needed for it. A pair of sneakers with outdated design, acrylic paint, brushes and way too much time on my hands.
This is my first time so we'll see how it works out!
Will I ever grow up?
I hope not. Oh, I wonder if leaving one of them cupcakes on the bathroom sink would end in Jerry burping bubbles for a week. It should be worth checking out.
These soaps are from DirtyAssSoaps. They carry alot of food-inspired soap products (milk and cookies, peanutbutter and jelly, oreos, pretzels, s'mores and mores! yummy!!) and also lego's, tetris and much much more.