This means sometimes I get some boo's haunting my joints, causing pain. This again means I might pop a painkiller, which again mean Ill be in a funny mood.
And in this very writing moment Im in one of those funny moods.
The thing is tho, sometimes I get alot stronger effect from the painkillers, both in how well they get rid of the pain and how badly it effects the rest of me (woozy, sleepy, sweaty, silly etc.)
Sometimes the difference can be quite extreme. Yesterday it didnt seem I was able to rid my pain for the love of the world. Today I hurt even more, but the one painkiller I took is working as if I took three. Im woozy, I was about to fall in the stairs earlier because of it, Im sweaty, hungry and sleepy.
When the ingredients on the pillbox says so-so many grams paracetamol and so-so many grams codeine, they are supposed to be per pill, right?
Because sometimes it sure seem like they've mixed the codeine and the paracetamol into the pillbox, randomly made it into pills so sometimes I get a 99% paracetamol one, and sometimes I get a 70% codeine one.
Thats what it feels like anyway.
Try tracing your meals before/right after you take the pills. Some of my meds change outcome totally if I take them before, while, or after a meal.
I usually eat the second before/after taking the pills.
If not, it wont dissolve as quickly and will only make me woozy without ridding the pain, or if I havent eaten anything in a while, it almost wont have any effect at all.
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