
Political Numbnuts.

The media circus that follows the US election is slightly disturbing.

While I cant claim Im the oldest one around, the elections Ive seen since I started following it in my early teens, few of them can come close to the hollywoodian mist that the candidates this year have been in.

The controversial choice of Sarah Palin as Vice President candidate, and her using a small shitload of the campaign-money on clothes (I wish I had) and make-overs to become "Sexy Sarah the Hottie Hockeymom" is really not what I thought politics was about. Granted, I know politics is about representation, thats not what I mean though.

Outside US the Palin-fever has hit the media. She's beloved by the tabloids, just like Britney was when she shaved her hair off.
Whats said outside US in the media is 90% Campaign and Scandals, and 10% real content. Is that really how the election is? I find myself having to go into the representatives homepages to learn what their politics is really about. 

Ask the everyday joe (the plumber) about what Obama and McCain stand for here in Norway and Ill bet you get these answers. "McCain is the same as Bush", "Obama is Change". Ask them any further on what change we're talking about and what their politics is, they'll go silent.

What scares me, is that I dont doubt for a second you'll get the same reaction in the US.

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