
Work tomorrow aswell!

Oh and gosh golly, dont think Im off too easy. I have work tomorrow aswell. God rested on the sunday, well not me!!

Tomorrow there is "TV-aksjonen", which is probably the largest fundraiser of the year here in Norway. Every year the state broadcasting channel (NRK) is making a huge fundraiser and choosing one good cause for all the money to go to. This time its Blå Kors (Blue Cross) which is working with rehabilitating drugaddicts, and get this -gambling addicts!
Not that Im a gambling addict of course.. 

Anyway, lil ol me is gonna walk around knocking on doors and begging for money for the cause. Its a good thing to do, I wonder how my feet will react to it tho?

Im going to make a report on it aswell for the paper. Hopefully people will be very giving when they have a camera shoved up in their face.Put the fun back in fundraiser!!

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