This is probably the most stressful days I know of. I cant afford to be sick, absent, late or anything but perfect on this day else Ill waste 2 weeks of hard labour.
Luckily today I was well prepared, as I should be, after working what seems like 200% the last weeks, not the 50% Im supposed to work. At least that means I have alot of extra hours saved up that I can use for a lil vacation or something, but I have no possibility of taking that now.
Although "prepared" is a bit of an overstatement. I woke up early morning with terrible backpains and then the gallbladder started acting up too so I finally went to work pretty much full of tralala-pills.
And I had the chiropractor today aswell at 14:00 so I had to leave for 40 minutes to go get my neck snapped, which usually makes me quite woozy, and this time no exeption. So when I got back, I was sleepy from painkillers, dizzy from snapping the neck, and feeling sick of the mentioned dizzyness. I was fit for fight?
Either way, we got there in the end.
Usually when Deadline day is over, my body goes "phew".
Today however I was just more stressed then ever, because by the next deadline I dont only have to have one paper ready, I need to have two.
Since I work for a PR-Company.. My main job is after all managing and writing for the local newspaper that we give out. While the newspaper is a company of its own within the company, so to speak, I am officially working for the PR-Company. And the PR company now have a assignment to make a company newspaper for a mall.
So of course the writer in the company is given that task.
At least I knew about it, and thats why Ive been working like a nutter the week that was, now I have at least a couple of articles ready for the next newspaper so I wont have to do as much there as usual. But still, it will be even more work for me the following weeks.
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