Well I just watched Iron Man (alone, sob sob!) and yesterday I watched Max Payne.
Yesterday Stoikow was talking about The Punisher movie that he saw for the first time, so I got one of the Ennis/Dillon books up (Army of One) and started reading it. Just finished 3 books of the Preacher (also Ennis/Dillon) by the way, which I have read so many times before... It just never gets old tho!
I liked Iron Man. Loved the bits where he was trying out the armor and failed miserably! I think there was some good humour in there. I didnt expect Robert Downey Jr. to fit the part at all but he did a great job imo. Im more edgy on Potts. I thought Pepper would be more... Pepper. More sassy, more snappy remarks. I dont know why I imagined her that way, ive read very little Iron Man, and that was a long time ago.
The Punisher isnt exactly a new movie, but there once again the female role "Joan" was extremely different. In the comic, Joan is this grey little brown-haired mouse (not litterally) with agoraphobia, angst and god knows what she DOESNT fear. I dont think she ever had a boyfriend, and she rarely smiles. In the movie, this turns into this saultry looking blonde with a bad boyfriend who likes to beat her around, but she's a pretty strong and independant woman who won't take it.
And not what I wanted to see Joan as at all. Talk about night and day.
Thats the only thing really that bugged me about The Punisher. I dont think Thomas Jane looked enough "Punisher'y" for the part really, and I hate that they bleached the russian's hair and made him look like a sailorfreak rather then a meatball hardguy. But thats nitpicking.
The story was good, and the film suprised me.
But The Punisher was a long time ago, and the new is..
Oh my gawd, I cant wait. Seriously. Im so excited that Im even using terrible irc-languge. Its going to be EPIC! Watchmen! Its gotta be the comic-book movie Ive had the highest expectations to since Sin City.
Ive looked at the trailer so many times, and I love how it looks so far. The only thing that bothers me is Ozymandias' costyme. Why the f*** is it GREY? I had to look at the trailer a second time to look for Ozy, because I didnt see him the first time. Except I did, and I didnt realize it was him. And he looks puny, like a kid in a costume. Ridiculous.
I love Rorschach, and I like what they did to his 'mask', although if you read the comic its supposed to be a sort of liquid that moves inside plastic or something iirc. But I quite like the looks they gave it from what Ive seen in the trailer.
If you haven't seen it, heres the link:
I know, I know. You cant expect the directors to make everything by the books, and that the best way to enjoy a movie which book or comic you had a relation to from before, is to see the movie as a entity of its own.
I know Im nitpicking, but when you love some characters you dont want them to change.
How geeky...
Oh well. Time for me to hit the sack. Got the whole fundraiser thing to do tomorrow/today. Gnite, or good morning I suppose.
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